We present: Gärtnerei Melle

Innovations in matters of heather brands

About Gärtnerei Melle

The Melle nursery from Ganderkesee has been producing heather, perennials and summer flowers for over 75 years. The business was founded in 1946 by Georg Melle, and has been run by Carolin Melle in the third generation since 2011. In the 90s, the business became known as "Germany's most beautiful nursery" and even made it into the Guinness Book of Records with the world's longest petunia. On an area of 20 ha, of which 15 ha are net container area, cultures are produced for both wholesale and retail.

From April to June, there is also an annual direct sale of summer flowers to private customers. Modern resources such as a cutting machine for the Rasta Girls from Gardengirls and sustainability are the focus of the nursery. Through innovative ideas, the company operates resource-conservatively and offers alternatives to conventional production to the trade. In 2023, Carolin Melle was awarded Entrepreneur of the Year at the Taspo Awards.

What's new at Melle?

Melle Nursery is known for its strong spirit of innovation, which is also reflected in its future plans. Currently, a lot of effort is being invested on site in optimizing the company's logistics and merchandise management. Projects for the construction of loading ramps and a new dispatch hall with around 1,500 m² are in the planning phase. Additionally, another greenhouse of almost 8,000 m² is planned to contribute to improving product quality,

to allow the high season to run even more efficiently and to expand the production time even further. For instance, lavender could be grown earlier in the year, a protected overwintering of the Gardengirls would be possible, and the plantings would be less susceptible to weeds. The plans are still in the initial stages, but it can be assumed that a lot will happen in Melle's nursery in Ganderkesee in the coming years.


1,7 million Gardengirls per year


Gardengirls producer since 1993


Gardengirls assortment in TB11 to TB23 and bowls


Calluna vulgaris, also in various combinations


Summer perennials, also in direct sales to consumer


Innovation driver in brand mixtures

Nursery video

The main cultivation at Melle Nursery is heather with around 1.7 million plants per year. The company has been a Gardengirls producer since 1993 and carries the entire Gardengirls product range in all pot sizes from 11-cm pots to 23-cm trays. Particularly worth highlighting are the trays in the 23 cm size, in which various heather mixes are planted in the form of trios, quartets, Smixies or even as 7-colour combinations. With specially developed brands like "Up Down Girl" and "Twister" or "Sunset Twister", Melle has become a real innovation driver of the Gardengirls brand. In addition to heather, summer perennials such as Buddleja, Rudbeckia, Echinacea and lavender are produced for specialist retailers, as well as summer flowers like geraniums and petunias for private sale.

For more information, visit Melle's website:


Gardengirls brands in Melle's range



Sunset Fire



Up Down Girls

Rasta Girls

Sunset Girls

Autumn lavender

Golden Angie



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