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Gardengirls® Knospenheide


Winter-hardy bud-bloomers are available in the stores from August until November. Varieties like Franca, Hilda and Lioba are perfect matches for table decoration indoors and outdoors achieving a trendy look with their bright bud colours. This effect is accentuated when combining these varieties with other colours like white, light pink or violet for attractive tubs or in flower beds.

Characteristics: Winter-hardy; resilient against bad weather conditions bright shining flower buds; easy care; modern and natural looking flower arrangement; easy to combine with other plants

Planting location: Sunny

From August–December

Gardengirls® Knospenheide – herbstliche Dekoration auf der Terrasse mit leuchtender Heide
Gardengirls® Knospenheide als herbstliche Tischdekoration im Garten
Gardengirls® Knospenheide – geschmückter Terrassentisch mit Heide
Gardengirls® Knopsenheide im Kübel
Gardengirls® Knospenheide Paula
Gardengirls® Knospenheide – Terrassengestaltung mit Heide im Kübel
Gardengirls® Trio Knospenheide als Tischdekoration im Herbst
Gardengirls® Knospenheide – NEXXT leuchtende und lange haltbare Heide
Gardengirls® Knospenheide in Beerenfarben

Display bright, strong colours in autumn

with the bud-blooming heather! 

Our bud-bloomers –

Robust allrounders!


Even at the start of wintertime some varieties of our bud-bloomers display long-lasting, bright flower buds to bring colour and diversity into the dark season on balconies, terrasses or in the garden. These varieties have a particular dense bud population and an upright growth habit.

Still more to come about our brands

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