Erica carnea – Snow Heather


The Snow Heather (Erica carnea) develops its full flower power, when all other plants are in deep winter rest. Plants can tolerate lime a little bit better than other heathers. Spring-flowering heathers like the winter-hardy Erica species can be pruned back after flowering – in spring. They just need to get cut back in shape with a sharp scissor. This heather is a very important source of food, especially for bees which supplies food with as one of the first plants of the year (highest bee nutrition class 4). It also provides a source of food for numerous insects and butterflies. Winterhardy Erika varieties thus fulfill an important ecological function.

Erica x darleyensis – English heather

The English heather is very floriferous and shows colour over the entire flowering time. Plants grow up to 30-40 cm in diameter and a bit taller than the Snow Heather. Unlike Erica carnea, this species is only winter-hardy in protected areas. Provide winter protection, for example with fir branches. Snow covers will insulate the plants.
Snow Heather and this English Heather are one of the earliest fodder plants for bees in the year flowering from November to May depending on the variety.

Daboecia cantabrica – Irish Bell Heather


Daboecia or Irish Bell Heather is flowering in summer and grows bushy and compact. The growth habit varies from variety to variety, but can reach 50 cm in height and 35 cm in width. The countless attractive bell-shaped flowers are flowering from July well into autumn. You might want to remove the spent flower branches to encourage a second set of flowers later in the season. The preferred location is a sunny garden spot with well-drained, slightly acid soil with a pH of 4-4, 5. Daboecia is highly attractive to bumble-bees and other pollinating insects. Avoid water-logging or severe drought. Plants are only winter-hardy in protected areas. Provide winter protection, for example with fir branches.

Erica cinerea –  Bell heather

The Cinerea Bell heather comes to the fore with new fresh and exciting colors. From July, it sets accents and marks the start of the fall season. Its brightly colored bells also provide an excellent
an excellent source of food for our pollinating insects.



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