We present: Keysers

Traditional plant breeding and production

About Keysers

In 1960, Matthias Keysers laid the foundation for the family business Gartenbau Keysers, which originally started as a small vegetable breeding operation. Nowadays, the business is divided into several family enterprises. Klemens Keysers, one of three brothers, took over the horticultural business in 2000 and has shared the management with his daughter Lena since 2014. With the third generation of the family, even more ideas for optimizing operational processes and product range structures are being introduced.

On more than 10 hectares of cultivation area, they cultivate a wide range of potted plants and license-protected varieties, which are divided into two categories: Outdoor and greenhouse cultivations. The cultivation area covers 8 hectares, including 3.5 hectares of lava field, whereby the "outdoor crops" represent the majority. In addition, Keysers is part of the special group Azerca and thus benefits from regular exchange with professional colleagues and insights into other production operations.

What's new at Keysers?

Constant developments are taking place in the Keysers horticultural business. Currently, work is being done to integrate new Gardengirls varieties into the product range in order to gradually replace the old ones and offer customers more advantages. This begins with the introduction of the NEXXT varieties Amina, Lilith, Aurica and Leandra, all of which impress with their tremendous luminosity and longevity of their flowers.

In addition to changes in the heather assortment, progress is also being made in the in-house breeding of new Skimmia varieties. In fact, three new varieties were recently registered in the EU Plant Variety Protection, such as the bright Lady Scarlett. So we can look forward to seeing what else is in store at the Keysers family business.


700.000 Gardengirls per year


Gardengirls producer since 2000


Calluna vulgaris and Erica x Darleyensis


Companion plants and deciduous shrubs, such as Skimmia or Viburnum.


Own breeding Abelia "Landladies"


Gardengirls range in T11 to T14

Range overview

Gartenbau Keysers began with vegetable cultivation, then switched to cut flowers and since 1980, the focus of production has been on heath cultures. Abelias, Boronia, Hypericum, and Skimmia japonica make up further parts of the production. In addition, the company breeds selected Abelias for the Landladies brand as a licensor and produces Gardengirls heather plants. Besides the simple varieties, Keysers also implements many new concepts, including the innovative Updown Girls, which combine a hanging and two upright Callunas. All concepts convince with emotional imagery and suitable PoS material.

For more information, visit Keysers' website:


Gardengirls brands in Keysers' range

Up Down Girls



Sunset Fire

Autumn lavender

Golden Angie

Rasta Girls



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