We present: Gartenbaubetrieb E.H. Hintze

Flexible product assortment offer

About Hintze

The heath specialty company E.H. Hintze looks back on a company history that began in 1929. Since then, not only the company management has been passed on, but also the experience in cultivating a wide variety of plants, ranging from vegetable plants and outdoor roses to today's heath assortment. Since 2008, Andreas Hintze has been running the family business in the third generation.

The company premises now include over 30,000 square meters of greenhouse space, plus approximately 5,000 square meters of shipping halls and other operational buildings. The themes of sustainability, social interaction, and open communication with customers shape the daily routine at Hintze.

What's new at Hintze?

The E.H. Hintze Nursery is always interested in integrating new innovations into the operational process. For example, a robot was introduced in 2012 to support the handling of Calluna plants. This improvement led on the one hand to an increase in performance and physical relief for the employees. On the other hand, it ensured that the repositioned plants maintained the same distance from each other. This allows all the plants to receive equal amounts of water and fertilizer when watering, which in turn leads to uniform growth. As the robot has reached its performance limits, work is now being carried out in close cooperation with the company seed2soil on the development and construction of a new type of machine.

This machine could also provide a relief of work for many other producers in the future, especially for those who do not yet use a robot. Due to its easy integration and attractive price range, it represents an interesting investment opportunity. In terms of innovative concepts, the E.H. Hintze Nursery is also a pioneer. They not only offer Gardengirl concepts but also their own, which are constantly adapted and changed through close customer contact. If a customer desires a type of plant that is not cultivated in their own operation, it is organized and delivered directly to the customer.


1,2 millions of Gardengirls per year


Gardengirls producer since 1994


Calluna Friends as a Gardengirls combination with Muehlenbeckia, Erica arborea or Calocephalus.


Additional heath plants with Erica gracilis and Erica darleyensis.


Gardengirls in TB10,5, TB12 and TB13

Range overview

Since 1994, E.H. Hintze has been a Gardengirls producer. As a heath specialty company, the Gardengirls are the main product. This includes individual plants as well as concepts like Sunset Fire or the Rasta Girls and the Erica gracilis from the Heidi's brand found in the assortment. Additional Erica gracilis varieties, Erica x Darlayensis, as well as various accompanying and structural plants complement the range. A special feature at Hintze are the "Calluna friends", which consist of co-plants of Gardengirls, Muehlenbeckia, Erica arborea or Calocephalus.

For more information, visit the E.H. Hintze website:


Gardengirls brands in Hintze's range

Sunset Fire

Sunset Girls

Rasta Girls

Rasta Girls

Autumn lavender



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