We present: Küppers GbR

Change is inevitable - Growth is optional.

About Küppers GbR

The Küppers GbR from Wachtendonk produces a high-quality mixture of Callunas, Ericas, perennials, and shrubs. Since 2013, Matthias Küppers has been managing the company together with his daughter Verena Zachau-Küppers. Along with a team of over 19 employees and additional seasonal workers, the family business mainly cultivates young plants of Callunas and Ericas. The propagation of young plants starts in a climate-controlled cutting room. Afterwards, the cuttings are moved to the rooting departments, all equipped with a modern Fog-System, interval-switched watering carts, and energy screens

to regulate temperature and humidity, allowing them to cultivate according to the needs of the plants. A TTA - Pikomat is used for pricking out the young plants. Spacious Venlo greenhouses (6,500 m²) and 15,000 m² of open land are available for production. In 2023, Küppers GbR started selling finished goods for the first time, a change necessitated by shifts in horticulture that led to a decrease in young plant production. However, the company now has ambitious plans to expand its range of products.

What's new at Küppers?

With the decision to expand the assortment from exclusively young plants to both young and completed plants, Küppers GbR is taking a big step and breaking entirely new ground. This not only affects production, but also the sales structures. In 2023, they successfully navigated this direction and are now looking forward to further expansions. For example, they offer Calluna vulgaris Gardengirls in small PT06 pots. These are available both as single-color varieties and as combined plantings in Twin or Trio.

In the future, Küppers GbR plans further combinations with various species in PT13. The main component will be the flowering Calluna with interesting companions. In addition, partners Verena Zachau-Küppers and Matthias Küppers are working on their own series for the 6er pot. So, one can look forward to the newly set assortment. As part of the realignment of the range, Verena Zachau-Küppers is currently also working on redesigning the logo and website to show customers a clear line and support order processing.


5 millions of Gardengirls youth plants per year


Gardengirls producer since 1998


Various perennial young plants in the program


Finished goods as flexible mix pallets


Gardengirls in PT06, soon also mixed plants in PT13


Additional autumn plants, such as Erica gracilis, Muehlenbeckia, Calocephalus and much more


Echinaceae purpurea in PT13

Company overview

The Calluna vulgaris of the Gardengirls brand are the main crop at Küppers GbR. A wide range of perennials, which culturally fit well with the Gardengirls' Calluna vulgaris, complement the assortment. The company chooses both generative and vegetatively propagated perennials, focusing on overwintered cultures. The company works with various successful cooperation partners. Since the reorientation of the product range, Küppers GbR also offers finished goods in addition to the Gardengirls, including various perennials in 6-pot, which are often offered as mixed pallets. Among other things, customers can utilize Küppers' fall offerings, such as Calocephalus, Muehlenbeckia or grasses. In addition, Echinaceae purpurea are added in the summer in the PT13 size.

For more information, please visit the Küppers website:


Gardengirls combinations in Küppers' range

Twin Girls 

Trio Girls 



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