We present: Rieke Blumen

Focus on digitalization

About Rieke Blumen

Rieke Blumen nursery is a family-run horticultural business in northern Westphalia. On a total of nearly 25 hectares of land, indoor and outdoor plants are produced at two locations. Phalenopsis and Oncidium are mainly produced on 13,000 square meters under glass, and on the 20 hectare outdoor cultivation area, predominantly spring and summer perennials and autumn crops such as Calluna and Gaultheria are cultivated. A resource-conserving production is particularly important for Manfred and Marco Rieke.

The business utilizes waste heat from a biogas plant and its own photovoltaic systems supply the operation with electricity. Thanks to modern technology such as unloading robots, resettling robots, and pricking out robots, important tasks in the business can be carried out automatically. The irrigation control is also handled completely digitally via an app on the smartphone.

What's new at Rieke?

Rieke Blumen demonstrates continuous developments through several innovative and sustainable investments. The company has built a new greenhouse that is operated CO₂-neutral with the help of a photovoltaic system and a biogas plant, in which orchids and green plants are produced for the final sale. With the addition of a range of high-quality premium green plants to their product line in 2024, Rieke Blumen has expanded the product range and created appealing options for the customers. This includes the Red Heart Philodendron, which with its red leaves provides a special touch and is in high demand.

In addition, two resettling robots from Degramec were acquired, facilitating efficient operations in production. A logistical improvement is also ensured by the expanded loading area, which is ideal for the high season in autumn. These are clear examples of Rieke Blumen's commitment to continuous optimizations and sustainable operations management.


2,2 millions of Gardengirls per year


Gardengirls producer since 1996


Large production of Phalaenopsis for final sale


New in 2024: High-quality premium indoor plants


Gardengirls in TB10,5 up to TB13

Range overview

The range of Rieke Blumen is diverse thanks to the two indoor and outdoor operational areas. In the outdoor area, the focus is on the production of perennials and Calluna. Rieke has an intensive partnership with the heath range Gardengirls; as a licensee, the Calluna vulgaris has been produced at Rieke since the mid-1990s. The nursery produces more than 2.2 million Gardengirls pots annually, including colorful combinations of Twister and Smixies, the Fluffy Family, as well as Twin and Trio Girls. Calluna without variety protection is also part of the range; moreover, Rieke is one of the largest Edelweiss producers north of the Alps.

For more information, visit the Rieke Blumen website:


Gardengirls brands in Rieke's range


Golden Angie

Autumn lavender



Sunset Fire

Sunset Girls


4-pack concepts



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