We present: Topfpflanzen Hils

Fresh blooms all season long

About Topfpflanzen Hils

Topfpflanzen Hils from Geldern-Lüllingen in the Lower Rhine region has been producing a wide range of ornamental plants since 1974. The business was founded by Theo and Anneliese Hils. Thanks to their extensive horticultural knowledge, great commitment, and entrepreneurial spirit, the originally small nursery quickly grew to its current size of almost 10 hectares of cultivation area. Since 2006, their son Matthias has also been active in the family business and took over the company in 2013.

A mix of high-quality crops, modern product forms, and exclusive special features with a focus on current trends and innovations characterizes the nursery. Sustainability also plays an important role. In 2011, Hils was one of the first businesses nationwide to be certified according to the Global G.A.P. standard.

What's new at Hils?

Topfpflanzen Hils is particularly characterized by its efforts to continuously supply customers with fresh plants throughout the entire season. In addition to carrying the Summer, Main, and Late Line of Gardengirls, Hils also implements a system of batch pruning, which makes it possible to make the same varieties fresh at different times of the season. This approach eliminates the need to keep plants fresh in cold storage, allowing Hils to offer fresh goods in daily business. With the Rasta Girls, Hils offers a particularly wide sales window.

Since October 2022, much of the company's electricity has been generated by its own photovoltaic system, which led to a self-consumption saving of 56% in 2023. In addition, the company uses 20 outdoor watering carts, mainly equipped with watering nozzles. These allow for an individualized and variety-dependent watering technique, leading to an efficient use of water and fertilizer.


650.000 Gardengirls per year


Gardengirls producer since 1996


Companion plants, Azerca crops, perennials and various ornamental shrubs


Particularly strong in the Summerline


Gardengirls in TB11 up to TB13


Range from spring to autumn

Range overview

The nursery offers a wide range of high-quality ornamental plants from spring to autumn. The range includes various types of Gardengirls, a large selection of perennial plants, various ornamental shrubs, bedding plants and traditional Azerca crops. Additional brands for specialized trade can be offered individually. Thanks to a motivated team and the high flexibility of the company, they can specifically address individual customer wishes and implement these quickly and efficiently in daily business.

For more information, visit the Hils website:


Gardengirls brands in Hils' range

Rasta Girls


Sunset Girls

Golden Angie

Up Down Girl


Sunset Fire



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