We present: Gartenbau van Leuven

Expertise with a breeding foundation

About Gartenbau van Leuven

The van Leuven horticultural business is now in its third generation. The company in Geldern was founded in 1954, and Johannes and Tobias van Leuven are now responsible for the nearly 10-hectare operating area. The main crops in the fall are various heather plants, with a focus on Calluna Gardengirls, and in the spring a wide range of bedding plants are for sale. The founder Johannes van Leuven is one of the

four original Gardengirls breeders and, with a great deal of expertise, was able to set up the range of the nursery. Among others, the new NEXXT varieties Patricia and Lioba, as well as a large part of the entire Gardengirls Summerline, originated from his breeding work. Today, Johannes van Leuven supports his son Tobias in the management of the company.

What's new at van Leuven?

Gartenbau van Leuven is constantly striving to optimize its workflows while keeping an eye on the environment. For example, they already use about 55% peat substitutes when working with bedding plants. In the field of Callunas and other autumn plants, the proportion is currently 20% - a value that van Leuven now wants to increase on a trial basis. In addition, there are plans to renovate all outdoor areas in the coming years. With this, they want to create the best conditions

for the Gardengirls, and at the same time improve the working environment for the staff. The focus is not only on the quality of the plants but also on the efficiency of their processes. They plan to invest in a ride-on mower to make trimming the Callunas easier, and a racking fork for the Spaceomat, which will help them to space the plants more quickly. The goal is to find and maintain a balance between optimal plant care and environmentally friendly operations.


800.000 Gardengirls per year


Gardengirls producer since 1993


Large spring and summer range including Bellis, Petunias and Dahlias


Great expertise thanks to former heather breeding


Gardengirls in TB11


Additional autumn plants, such as Erica darleyensis, Erica arborea, and Daboecia

Range overview

The company carries a versatile and especially year-round range in the field of ornamental plants. The main sales periods are the bedding and balcony plant season as well as shipping in the fall. In the spring, shipping starts with various large-flowered Bellis in a 12 cm pot. This is followed by bedding and balcony plants, where various Petunia, Gazania and Sanvitalia are among the most important items. In the summer, mainly Dahlias are produced in a 19 cm pot. The autumn is dominated by the Gardengirls Callunas. Single colors as well as Twins and Trios are offered, as well as selected concepts. The Calluna range is complemented by Daboecia, Erica darleyensis and Erica arborea. Van Leuven also offers accompanying plants in the fall.

For more information, visit the van Leuven website:


Gardengirls brands in van Leuven's range


Sunset Girls

Sunset Fire

Rasta Girls

Up Down Girls

1st Dinner



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